Extensions That Help Maintain Mental Health

Extensions That Help Maintain Mental Health


Code Green


Give eyes and mind the love they deserve.

GitHub Copilot


To obtain the free access, a GitHub account certified by GitHub Global Campus is needed.

ChatGPT - Genie AI


To use Genie AI, one needs an API key that is linked to an OpenAI account. The free personal usage of this API is limited to about six months, after which one will need to add a credit card. I recommend using a virtual credit card to avoid any issues with Chinese mainland banks, which prohibit the usage.

It's important to note that this extension can only be used in the same internet environment as ChatGPT on the website. (Global proxy is needed)

However, using Genie provides faster response times and offers a variety of customizable settings and shortcuts, making it a convenient option.

GitHub Copilot Chat



GitHub Copilot Chat is a powerful tool that lets one focus on coding issues (without the need for a global proxy internet environment).




pip install --upgrade fprettify

command line usage in VS Code terminal:

fprettify -i 4 <filename>

It should be noted that the default indentation value is 3, while the indentation value in vscode is 4. To modify the indentation space utilize the -i option.


  • The failure of auto indentation may occur as a result of the 132-character limit imposed on Fortran characters, necessitating the splitting of the line in such instances.

(The most recent version of Fortran does not exhibit constraints on character limits. However, it is still advisable to reduce the complexity and length of the code in order to uphold a readable code style.)

  • Special characters may result in encoding issues. Therefore, it is advisable to utilize utf-8 characters when making comments. (不要写中文注释)